Researching Violence against Women in Aotearoa/New Zealand

Abstract: This paper discusses strategies for research with women who have been victimised in  their  intimate  relationships  with  their  partners.    I  will  discuss  the  specific  issues  that  concern  the  vulnerability  of  women  victimised  by  intimate  partner  violence: experiences  of  intimate  violence,  stereotyping,  minimisation,  sexual  violence, protection of children, the meaning of safety. Examples from the accounts of women who  whose  partners  had  been  prosecuted  for  violence  against  them,  and  those  who had sought legal interventions like protection orders, will illustrate how each of these  issues needs to be taken intoaccount when conducting research with abused women.  Strategies  that  we  have  used  to  deal  with  these  issues  in  studies  conducted  in  the Domestic  Violence  Interventions  and  Services  Research  Programme  will  be discussed, with illustrations of the complexities of putting them into practice.
Keyword:  domestic  violence,  intimate  relationships,  victimization,  and  New  Zealand women
Author: Mandy Morgan
Journal Code: jppsikologiabnormalgg140001

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Jp Psikologi Abnormal gg 2014