Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of Zn doped Barium M-Hexaferrite

Abstract: Synthesis of Zn doped Barium M-Hexaferrite (BaFe12 −x Znx O19 ) has been performed by coprecipitation method. The purified iron sand from Tulungagung is used as a precursor of Fe3 O4 . Synthesis of Zn doped Barium M-Hexaferrite with variations of x = 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 has been calcined at temperatures of 1000◦ C for 5 hours. Ion Zn2+ (with 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.7 wt %) does not change the crystal structure of Barium M-Hexaferrite (BaM), but give a slight displacement of the peak position of the diffraction pattern. SEM figures showed that Zn doped Barium M-Hexaferrite have a hexagonal structure, similar to BaM structure. Doping of Zn has changed the magnetic properties of Barium M-Hexaferrit (BaM), from hard magnetic become soft magnetic. Barium M-Hexaferrit (BaM) has a value of Coercivity Field (Hc) and Remanence Magnetization (Mr) is 0.03734 T and 8.334 emu/g. At variation x = 0.3, the Remanence Magnetization (Mr) reaches the highest value. At this point, a value of Coercivity Field (Hc) and Remanence Magnetization (Mr) is 0.0506 T and 14.782 emu/gram respectively.
KEYWORDS: Coprecipitation method, Barium M-Hexaferrite, Crystal Structure, Magnetic Properties
Author: Umi Nuraini, Lita Amalia, Kurniawati C. Rosyidah, and Mochamad Zainuri
Journal Code: jpfisikagg140002

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Jp Fisika gg 2014