Isomorphic Test of Newton’s Third Law for Investigating Students’ Scientific And Representational Consistency

ABSTRACT: We  have  developed  a  set  of  isomorphic  test  for  investigating  scientific  and  representational  consistency  in  the context of Newton’s Third Law. The test consisted of 30  multiple-choice  items  concerning  five  central  force contexts:  gravitation,  electrostatics,  magnetic,  pushing,  and  crashing  (impulse  force).  The  test  items  were designed  using  various  representations  (i.e.,  verbal,  diagram/vectorial  and  graphical).  Before  we  conducted  try out,  test  draft  was  reviewed  by  two  physics  content  and  evaluation  experts  for  knowing  appropriateness  of concepts  and  isomorphic  aspect  of  the  test.  We  provide  some  evidence  for  analyses  of  the  test  based  on  the classical test theory. The limitation of the test is presented in this paper. 
Keywords: isomorphic test, Newton’s third law, scientific consistency, representational consistency
Author: Jusman Mansyur, Darsikin, and Syarif Hidayat
Journal Code: jpfisikagg140018

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Jp Fisika gg 2014