Abstract: Islamic organization
Muhammadiyah as modernist and anti against colonizationwith community
participation in the fight Kampar Independence of the Republic of Indonesia.The
influence is so great that owned by Muhammadiyah leader Kampar lead the
struggle forindependence of the Republic of Indonesia can be awakened with
fellow community synergisticKampar. A figure that is so influential figures in
socio-religious life in society, namely MahmudMarzuki Kampar. Marzuki Mahmud
involvement in Muhammadiyah brings big changes that areso good in Muhammadiyah
own body and in community life Kampar, so Muhammadiyah leadersheld successfully
become the frontline in the fight for independence. Many figures
togetherMuhammadiyah memperjuangankan independence include traditional leaders,
and communityleaders themselves Perti to Muhammadiyah to move in the struggle
for independence.Muhamamdiyah succeeded in uniting force in the struggle for
independence of the Republic ofIndonesia in Kampar.
Penulis: Ahmal
Kode Jurnal: jpsejarah&umumdd150133