Abstract: Social studies aims to shape good citizen from kindergarten until grade 12. Social studies are taught since kindergarten so that students have habit of good citizen’s attitude and can applicate it in school, home, and society. The function of social studies as a criterion to select the content of social studies learning material. Its function is hoped to be able to prepare the students to have social moral, awareness, participation, problem solving, and social innovation. Social studies are taught in kindergarten so that students can become good citizens who can notice their environment and have together’s responsibility. Early childhood in kindergarten is hoped to get development achievement to be able to describe kid’s growth and development in certain age period. The development of students having social studies is an integration of introducing and guiding in understanding good citizen’s value. To get optimal good citizen’s development, it is needed a entire, consistent and integrated stimulation through habitude.
Keywords: Good Citizen; Social Studies; Kindergarten
Author: Sukasih
Journal Code: jppaudsdgg150012

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Jp PAUD SD gg 2015