Texture Dirac Mass Matrices and Lepton Asymmetry in the Minimal Seesaw Model with Tri-Bimaximal Mixing

Abstract: We examined the minimal seesaw mechanism of 3 × 2 Dirac matrix by starting our analysis with the masses of light neutrinos with tri/bi-maximal mixing in the basis where the charged-lepton Yukawa matrix and heavy Majorana neutrino mass matrix are diagonal. We found all possible Dirac mass textures which contain one zero entry or two in the matrix.
KEYWORDS: tri-bimaximal mixing, minimal seesaw model, mass matrices and lepton asymmetry
Author: Agus Purwanto, Bintoro Anang Subagyo, and Erika Rani
Journal Code: jpfisikagg140003

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Jp Fisika gg 2014