Abstract: Children in early age based on Ministry Regulation number 58 in 2009 are the children who are 0-6 of ages. Deborah Stipek as it was quoted by Lawrence E. Shapiro said that children in early age have the highest passion to be succeeded in learning every single thing (Lawrence E. Shapiro, 2004). It means the children can be taught to do everything and they have highest confident eventhough it is bad in result even seems impossible. By this thing, Maria Montessori suggested that at that time all the children get what she calls as absorbent mind. Montessori’s ideas which stated in that book are outstanding. One of her ideas is the power of children’s brain in chatch everything then they will mastery faster and joyfully (Montessori, 2008). Therefore, children in early age are in the Golden Ages. This golden period only get once in a life time. It becomes a key of potential development and children intellegence for future. Children in early age in Golden Ages need to get stimulation optimally. Education to them is the important thing for optimalitation their Golden Ages development, particularly in this globalization era.
Keywords: children; education
Author: Desni Yuniarni
Journal Code: jppaudsdgg150007

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