A Study of Carbon Dioxide Emission in Different Types of Peatland Use in Kalimantan

ABSTRACT: Study  of  carbon  dioxide  emissions  in  different  types  of  peatlands  use  in  Central  and  West Kalimantan has been conducted in January-June 2006 and January-April 2007. The study represents 4 types of land use in Central Kalimantan as treatment: 5 years for chinesse cabbage, 10 years for chinesse cabbage, 5 years for sweet corns, and 10 years for sweet corns. As for the treatments in West Kalimantan, they include corn  field,  Aloe  vera  field,  oil  palm  plantation,  and  rubber  plantation.  Carbon  dioxide  was  measured  using infrared gas analysis  (model EGM-4, PP systems, Hitchin,  UK).  In Central Kalimantan, the highest CO2 is emitted  from  sweet  corn  plants  (arable  land  for  10  years)  by  0.79  g  CO2/m2/hour,  chinesse  cabbage  plants (for 5 years) by 0.73 g CO2/m2/hour, chinesse cabbage plants (for 10 years) by 0.67 g CO2/m2/hour and, the least,  sweet  corn  plants  (for  5  years)  by  0.41  g  CO2/m2/hour.  The  highest  CO2  emission  from  West Kalimantan  is  released  from  rubber  plants  at  1.22  g  CO2/m2/hour,  followed  by  palm  oil  plants  by  0.96  g CO2/m2/hour, Aloe vera plants by 0.68 g CO2/m2/hour and corn plants by 0.35 g CO2/m2/hour. Groundwater table  depth  are  the  most  important  factors  among  other  factors  that  influence  CO2  emissions.  Groundwater table  depth  indicated  a  positive  correlation  with  CO2  emissions  in  all  types  of  peatlands  use.  C-organic production of sweet corn plants at 11.66 t C/ha/year is higher than that of chinesse cabbage plants at 1.64 t C/ha  /year.  Corn  plants  produce  organic-C  was  11.66  t  C/ha/year,  equivalent  to  the  amount  of  loss  of  C through CO2 emissions by 11.29 t C/ha/year.
Keyword: peat, types of land use, carbon, CO2 emission
Author: Nyahu Rumbang
Journal Code: jppertaniangg150038

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