Distribution, Abundance, and Biomass of Tropical Limpet Cellana testudinaria (Class: Gastropoda, Family: Patellidae) Living on the Rocky Shore of Ohoiwait, Southeast Moluccas, Indonesia

Abstract: The distribution, abundance, and biomass of the tropical limpet C. testudinaria are described separately for the high, middle and low shore levels. A total of 2402 limpets were obtained in 12 monthly collections (from October 2001 to September 2002). The mean density over the whole period was 11.12 ± 4.51 ind.m-2. The density tended to be higher at the high (15.79 ± 7.54 ind.m-2) and the middle (14.67 ± 13.99 ind.m-2) than at the low shore level (2.90 ± 2.44 ind.m-2). Analysis of variance showed significant density differences among shore levels, months, as well as a significant interaction between shore levels and months. The small-scale dispersion patterns did not show any seasonal variability. They were strongly clumped throughout the year and at each shore level. The mean annual population biomass was estimated to be 1013 ± 748 mg AFDW.m-2 (21.8 kJ.m-2). The highest biomass (3236 mg AFDW.m-2 or 69.9 kJ.m-2) occurred in September 2002, whilst the lowest (544 mg AFDW.m-2 or 11.7 kJ.m-2) was in March 2002. The monthly mean biomass (619 mg AFDW.m-2 or 13.4 kJ.m-2) of the rainy season was lower than that (899 mg AFDW.m-2 or 19.4 kJ.m-2) of the dry season.
Key words: Limpet, Cellana testudinaria, distribution, abundance, biomass
Author: Abraham Seumel Khouw
Journal Code: jpperikanangg060003

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