Dolphins Encountered in Kepulauan Seribu

Abstract: Kepulauan Seribu has been considered as one of the dolphin migration routes. This is based on the number of reports from fishermen and communities in Kepulauan Seribu on the existence of cetacean. The purpose of this study was to assess the type, behavior, deployment location, and estimate the number of dolphins found in Kepulauan Seribu. th th nd thResearch was conducted on May 10  to May 27 , 2010 and 22  June to 3  July 2010. Observations were made every day, except Friday, and started at 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 pm. Observation by boat was used in the research. Observation of the amount, type, and behavior of cetacean had been done visually. Based on research results, it can be concluded that  the  species  of  dolphins  found  in  Kepulauan  Seribu  are  Delphinus  delphis,  Pseudorca  crassidens,  Stenella longirostris, and Tursiops truncatus, with a total number of 145 individuals. Species of dolphins are most often found is T. truncatus, whereas the least common type is Delphinus delphis. In addition there are also calf and unidentified species. The location of the encounter with the dolphins most often occurs around Pulau Gosong Congkak (Karang Congkak) and Karang Lebar. Judging from the observed behavior, it can be said that Kepulauan Seribu is a foraging area and migration routes for cetacean. In addition, Kepulauan Seribu was also considered as nursery ground for calf.
Key words: Cetacean, dolphin, Kepulauan Seribu
Author: Yusli Wardiatno , Chikarista Irfangi  and Totok Hestirianoto
Journal Code: jpperikanangg100007

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Jp Perikanan gg 2010