ABSTRACT: There are abundant
maize populations in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which can be used as source of
gene to develop either a hybrid variety or an open pollinated variety. Genetic
parameters of a population, such as additive genetic variance and variance due
to dominance which can be estimated using North Carolina Design I, were used to
decide a breeding method to be applied. The objectives of this research were to
estimate the genetic variance component of important quantitative traits in an
equilibrium corn population and to decide the best method to develop the
population. The research was conducted at Agricultural Station of Agriculture
Faculty, Gadjah Mada University, in 2012 which was carried out in two steps: to
develop half-sib and full-sib families
and to evaluate both families in randomized complete block design with three
replications. The data was subjected to analysis of variance, and was followed
by estimation of genetic variances. The additive variance of ear length and ear
diameter of the corn population was greater than dominance variance. In
contrary to kernel weight/ear, the dominance variance was greater than additive
variance. So based on kernel weight/ear, the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium corn
population can be developed through inbreeding to form a hybrid variety.
Author: Hamirul Hadini, Nasrullah,
Panjisakti Basunanda, Taryono
Journal Code: jppertaniangg150016