Evaluasi Pertumbuhan dan Keragaman Genetik Tanaman Palahlar Gunung (Dipterocarpus retusus blume.) dan Palahlar (Dipterocarpus hasseltii blume.) Berdasarkan Penanda RAPD
Abstract: Dipterocarpus hasseltii
(palahlar) and Dipterocarpus
retusus (mountain palahlar)
are plant species
o f Dipterocarpaceae family that originate from West Java which
population is getting rare. Information about growth development and
genetic variation of
palahlar is important
to support culturing
program and its
gene tic conservation. One of the techniques to study palahlar growth is
through observation of the plant height and stem diameter increment. DNA
analysis is use to gain information of palahlar genetic diversity. One of the
DNA based molecular marker widely
used as plant genetic
marker is RAPD. There were
2 primary that resulting
the best amplifying quality in
genetic diversity analysis that was OPO-13 dan OPY 20. Analysis result with
POPGENE 32 was resulting average genetic diversity between classes as much as
0.1869. The biggest genetic diversity for palahlar was on the medium growth
class as much as 0.2498 dan for mountain palahlar was in small growth class as
much as 0.2240. Cluster analysis shows that there were 2 big groups that were
medium-high growth class group and small
growth class group.
Dendrogram shows that
there were 2
species in one
group, that was
palahlar and mountain palahlar that was in one group of small growth
class. The closed genetic distance existed between medium growth class group of
palahlar and high growth class group (0.0383), while the far distance is
between palahlar of small growth class group with mountain palahlar of mediaum
growth class group as much as 0.1826.
Penulis: Detty Sumiyati, Fifi
Gus Dwiyati, Istomo, dan Iskandar Z Sirega
Kode Jurnal: jpkehutanandd090084