Genetika Populasi dan Strategi Konservasi Badak Jawa

Abstract: Javan rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus Desmarest 1822) of which spread is limited in Indonesia and Vietnam is  the  rarest  species  among  5  species  of  rhino  in  the  world.  Without  appropriate  and  long-term  well organized management action, the population of javan rhino will be in extinction. This research stud ies about the usage potential of javan rhino population genetics data in designing javan rhino conservation program. The application of genetics study in conservation problem is based on the population genetics theory.  The  population  genetics  is  one  of  population  biology  branch  which  studies  about  the  factors determining genetic composition of population and how they play role in evolution process. The genetic characteristic identification can help to give the characteristic genetic information which has function as genetic marker or gen in javan rhino management. It can also help to do translocation the javan rhino especially for breeding management effort to  avoid inbreeding and to improve the heterozygosis. The analyzing  result  shows  that  the  management  of  conservation  strategy  which  can  make  javan  rhino population reaches the population viable minimum number is needed urgently. Furthermore, it also shows that translocation and reintroduction to build the second population of javan rhino is also importa nt to do.
Keywords: javan rhino, population genetics, translocation, second population
Penulis: U  Mamat  Rahmat
Kode Jurnal: jpkehutanandd090082

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