ABSTRACT: Temperature  is  one  of  the  water  quality  parameters  which  significantly  affect  growth  and survival of aquatic species particularly at early stages. The study is intended to evaluated growth and  survival  of  seahorse  (H.  barbourie)  reared  under  different  temperature  levels.  Experimental containers  were  12  L  capacity  buckets  filled  with  5  L  sterile  treated  seawater,  equipped  with aeration  system,  a  shelter  and  thermostat.  Two  days  old  healthy  seahorse  larvae  were  stock  at density 1 ind/L. The larvae were fed with enriched Artemia nauplii at density of 1 – 2 ind/mL once per  day  after  water  exchange.  Temperature  levels  examined  in  the  study  as  treatment  were  26oC (A), 29oC (B) and 32oC (C) and each treatment was triplicate. To  determine effect of temperature on  growth  and  survival  rate  of  seahorse  larvae,  the  data  were  analyzed  statistically.  Growth  of larvae  reared  at  different  temperature  varied  greatly  both  in  absolute  growth  in  weight  (g)  and absolute growth in length (cm). Statistical analysis results indicated absolute growth in weight (g) and  length  (cm)  of  larvae  reared  at  26ºC  significantly  higher  than  those  larvae  reared  in temperature  29ºC  and  32ºC.  Meanwhile,  survival  rate  (%)  of  seahorse  larvae  reared  at  different temperature levels  vary considerably but statistically not significant different. Results of the study suggested  that  rearing  of  seahorse  (H.  barbourie)  larvae  at  temperature  level  of  26oC  will  give better results in terms of absolute growth in weight and length, as well as survival rate (%) of the larvae compared to other two temperature (29oC and 32oC) examined in this study.
Key word: Seahorse larvae, temperature, growth and survival
Author: Irfan Ambas
Journal Code: jpperikanangg090006

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Jp Perikanan gg 2009