KANDUNGAN FOSFOR DAN KALSIUM PADA TANAH DAN BIOMASSA HUTAN RAWA GAMBUT (Studi Kasus di Wilayah HPH PT. Diamond Raya Timber, Bagan Siapi-api, Provinsi Riau)
ABSTRACT: Research on
the biomassa, distribution
and content of
P and Ca
nutrients in the
soil and biomass was conducted in
a primary forest with peat thickness ranging between 2.5 to 6.5 m in the forest concession
area (HPH) of PT. Diamond
Raya Timber, Bagan
Siapi-api, the Riau
Province. The objective of the
research was to obtain data on the
content of P and Ca in the vegetation
and peat soil layers at several levels of peat thickness. Research results
showed that although vegetation biomass
constituted only 6 % of the total biomass of vegetation and peat soil, contain
of P nutrient as much as 37 % and Ca 28 % out of the total P or
Ca nutrients occurring in vegetation and
peat soil. Increasing of peat thickness
because the total content of nutrients in the peat soil also increased,
although the average content of nutrient per depth interval of 50 cm decreased.
Increasing of peat thickness alse increased the content of P or Ca
for tree stage
vegetation, on the
other hand, the
content of P
or Ca in
herbs and shurbs, decreased. This
phenomenon shows that
on peat thickness
more than 3 m only
higher vegetation (trees vegetation)
could survive properly.
Contetnt of P
or Ca nutrients
occuring at above ground tree stage
vegetation reach 64 % and
74 %. While
for tree stage
vegetation, the biggest
nutrient content occurred in branches, nas follows 44 % foer P and 40 % for Ca. Pioneer trees
species and lesser
known timber in
fact had the
highest P and
Ca elernent concentration. For
the highest Ca
elements were in
timah-timah (Ilex bogoriensis-
14,02 g kg-1), milas (Parastemon urophyllum,13,72
kg-1) and suntai (Palaquium dasyphyllum; 13,13 g kg-1). While for P
element of beringin
(Ficus benyamina;20,1 g kg-1),
punak (Tetramerista glabra; 1,91 g kg-1) and terentang (Camnosperma
macrophylla; 1,59 g kg-1).
Penulis: ISTOMO
Kode Jurnal: jpkehutanandd060044