Keanekaragaman Jenis Pohon dan Burung di Beberapa Areal Hutan Kota Bandar Lampung
Abstract: This study
investigated the inter-relationshep between diversity of tree and bird species
existed in urban forest of Bandar Lampung City. The objectives of the study on
Tree and Bird Species Diversity in Several Urban Forest Area of Bandar Lampung
City are to know a) tree species diversity composition in urban forest
vegetation, b) bird species diversity, and c) the correlation between those
both components. The study conducted on six areas of urban forest in Bandar
Lampung City. Tree sampling was measured within plot line having 20 m x 20 m
size, while bird observation was done using direct watching method which was
performed every morning (06.00 ~ 08.00) and evening (16.00 ~ 18.00) during tree
days for each urban forest area. The biodiversity parameters used in this study
are Margalef Species Richness Index, Shannon Biodiversity Index, and Modified
Hill’s Ratio Index of Evenness. In all urban forest areas of Bandar Lampung
City was identified 45 tree species (24 families) with index of species
richness 6.22, index of species diversity 2.92, and index of evenness 0.60.
Compared to closest natural vegetation (of Wan Abdul Rachman Provincial Park)
the vegetation is very differnt (index of similarity 0.13). The study concluded
that a) urban forest vegetation of Bandar Lampung City are generally dominated
by domesticated species, 2) 24 birds species (16 families) were identified in
all of urban forest area of Bandar Lampung City, and c) there is positive
correlation between the tree species diversity and bird species diversity in
urban forest of Bandar Lampung City.
Keywords: Tree species diversity, bird species
diversity, urban forest, Bandar Lampung City, green open space
Penulis: Agus Setiawan, Hadi S
Alikodra, Andi Gunawan, Dedy Darnaedi
Journal Code: jpkehutanandd060034