Keragaman Struktur Tegakan Hutan Alam Sekunder The Variability of Stand Structure of Logged-over Natural Forest

Abstract: Differences  in  logging  intensity,  forest fires  and  forest  encroachment  have  caused  the  variability  of natural forest conditions, including its horizontal and vertical stand structures. Information on stand structure  variability  and  dynamic  of  secondary  forests  is  essential  for  projecting  the  future  stand structure,  which  can  be  used  to  develop  forest  management  plan.  This  study,  which  used  109 permanent  sample  plots  data  established  on  low  and  dry-land  logged  over  natural  forests  in Kalimantan, showed that there was an obvious variability of the stand conditions after logging in terms of the trees number per hectare and horizontal stand structures.
Keywords: stand structure, secondary forest, logged-over natural forest, forest management plan
Penulis: Muhdin, Endang Suhendang, Djoko Wahjono, Herry Purnomo, Istomo, dan Bintang C.H. Simangunsong
Kode Jurnal: jpkehutanandd080080

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