Measurement of Acoustic Reflection of Tuna Fish Using Echosounder Instrument

Abstract: Indonesia has a big potency of tuna fisheries. Unfortunately, a quantification method for tuna fish resources is not understood well. Usually, the estimation of tuna fish population using statistic method. This method has a limitation such as time consuming, less accuration and small area covered. For this reason, a novel method was used to give the high accuration, comprehensiveness, modern technology and real time monitoring of tuna fisheries. One of the modern method to detect and quantify tuna is underwater acoustics. The application of acoustic method has many advantages such as easy to operate the instrument, high accuration and precision, continuously monitoring and quantification, real time data processing and analysis.  For this purpose, a research programme was carried out in order to study the acoustic wave reflection or target strength (TS) of tuna fish using an echo sounder (QES). The relationships between TS to fork length (FL) and swimbladder volume, for bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) and yellowfin tuna (T. albacares) are investigated. The TS of bigeye tuna was about 3 dB higher than yellowfin tuna when comparing species at the same size. The result can be correlated to the swimbladder volume difference between species. The relationship between TS and swimbladder volume was quantified for both species. The implication of this research is the avalaibility of tuna fish database using underwater acoustic technique.
Key words: tuna fish, target strength, split beam echo sounder
Author: Henry M. Manik
Journal Code: jpperikanangg090007

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Jp Perikanan gg 2009