ABSTRACT: The development
of tree-based agroforestry
model gives consequences
to the space utilization dominated
by trees. Farmers
take action on
this condition by
conniving the fallow
land. This research was
aimed to know
the fallow land
model, find the
key parameters of
fallow land model, and
formulating the management of fallow land.
The spatial model
of agroforestry used
in this research
were trees along
border, alley cropping, alternate
rows and mixer. The actual data obtained were tree height, tree diameter, crown
diameter, land width,
and light intensity;
the calculated data
were land extent,
the percentage of crown cover and crown density. The
analysis used to determining the percentage of crown cover to calculate the
affective arable land area was zone system. Zonation system maked for four zone
: 1) zone 1 interval 0-1 m ; 2) zone 2 interval 1-2 m; zone 3 interval 2-3 m;
zone 4 interval 3-4m.
The fallow land
model was classified
into three models,
which were light
fallow, medium, and heavy; by
using some determining factors such as land width, crown density, light
intensity, and farmer’s culture. Light
fallow has 62%
of effective arable
land from land
area (zone 1: the
percentage of land
cover is >16%;
zone 2 14%;
zone 3: >7%
and zone 4
>15%). Medium fallow land model has 37% of effective arable
land ≤% of arable land ≤ 62% of effective arable land (zone 1: 16% of land
cover ≤land area≤26%, zone 2: 14% of land cover ≤land area≤24%; zone 3: 7% of land cover
≤land area≤11%; zone
4: 1% of
land cover ≤land
area≤2%). Heavy fallow
land model has 37% of effective
arable land from land area (zone 1: the percentage of land cover is <26%;
zone 2 <24%; zone 3 11%; zone 4
<2%). The strategy of silviculture is given priority to the decreasing of crown
density to increase the availability of light in order to support the culture
of crops to be more optimal.
Kode Jurnal: jpkehutanandd060040