Model Persamaan Massa Karbon Akar Pohon dan Root-Shoot RatioMassa Karbon
Abstract: The case study was
conducted in the area of Acacia mangium plantation at BKPH Parung Panjang, KPH
Bogor. The objective of the study was to formulate equation models of tree root
carbon mass and root to shoot carbon mass ratio of the plantation. It was found
that carbon content in the parts of tree biomass (stems, branches, twigs, leaves,
and roots) was different, in which the highest and the lowest carbon content
was in the mainstem of the tree and in the leaves, respectively. The main stem
and leaves of tree accounted for 70% of tree biomass. The rootshoot ratio of
root biomass to tree biomass above the ground and the root-shoot ratio of root
biomass to main stem biomass was 0.1443 and 0.25771, respectively, in which 75%
of tree carbon mass was in the main stem and roots of tree. It was also found
that the root-shoot ratio of root carbon mass to tree carbon mass above the
ground and the root-shoot ratio of root carbon mass to tree main stem carbon
mass was 0.1442 and 0.2034, respectively. All allometric equation models of
tree root carbon mass of A. mangium have a high goodness-of-fit as indicated by
its high adjusted R2.
Penulis: Elias, Nyoman Jaya
Wistara, Miranti Dewi, dan Hania Purwitasari
Kode Jurnal: jpkehutanandd100057