Nutrient Content of Seagrasss Enhalus acoroides Leaves in Barranglompo and Bonebatang Islands: Implication to Increased Antrhropogenic Pressure

Abstract: As human population increase in coastal areas, significant pressure to the coastal ecosystem increase as well.   In order to reveal possible impacts of anthropogenic activities to the nutrient status of seagrasses, a study has been done in two small islands within Spermonde Archipelago i.e. Barranglompo and Bonebatang Islands. Currently, these two islands are facing different anthropogenic pressure.  Samples of seagrass Enhalus acoroides were collected from three stations based on their different distances from the shoreline.  Results of the nutrient measurements showed that nitrogen concentrations in Barranglompo Island were significantly higher than those in Bonebatang Island.  This was supported by lower C:N ratios and higher N:P ratios in Barranglompo Island.  This difference indicated influence of nutrient enrichment due to increased anthropogenic activities.   Significantly higher Total Suspended Solid (TSS) values were also a strong evidence of this process.  Potential anthropogenic activities affecting nutrient composition in Barranglompo Island are domestic sewage disposal and drainage of liquid household sewage.
Key words: seagrass, nutrient, C:N:P ratio, anthropogenic activities, Barranglompo,  Bonebatang
Author: Khairul Amri , Dede Setiadi , Ibnul Qayim  dan D. Djokosetiyanto
Journal Code: jpperikanangg110003

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Jp Perikanan gg 2011