Pembangunan, Deforestasi dan Perubahan Iklim Development, Deforestation and Climate Change

Abstract: Natural resources utilities to fulfill human’s needs have been occurring massively since a concept of “progress”  became  human’s  dreams.  To  achieve  the  progress,  development  concept  that  means  as serious efforts to avoid damage and strive into betterment has emerged. The first development ideology that  was  emerged  and  developed  was  modernization.  Industrialization  as  main  character  of modernization  caused  improvement in various  aspects  of life.  From  environmental aspect,  economic improvement achieved has caused various environmental impacts that harmful to human’s life, such as deforestation, forest degradation and climate change. Since 1980’s, deforestation has extended to a very complex environmental issue globally. Deforestation could be seen as a side effect of a particular policy  or  political  action.  On  the  other  hand,  deforestation  caused  other  various  environmental problems,  such  as  global  warming.  Global  warming  occurred  since  there  was  an  increase  of greenhouse  gases  concentration  in  the  atmosphere.  The  relation  among  development,  deforestation, and climate change was analyzed through analysis on power relation and conflict of interest among actors involved. The analysis showed that various strategies in development and environmental impact mitigations  that  conducted  by  developing  countries  were  actually  a  form  of  power and  knowledge domination  of  developed  countries.  Through  international  institutions,  they  are  offering atonement concepts in various schemes which imply particular missions that basically they still want to obtain profits from developing countries without taking the risks from the execution of the schemes.
Keywords: development, modernization, deforestation, global warming, power relation
Penulis: Bowo Dwi Siswoko
Kode Jurnal: jpkehutanandd080078

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