Abstract: The increasing demand for freshwater resources generated by human population growth, urbanization, industrialization and irrigation have resulted in a decline or loss of freshwater fish such as Osteochilus spp. The aims of research were to analysis the population of Osteochilus spp in terms of abundance, longitudinal  distribution  and  sex  ratio  and  to  determine  environmental  factors  of  river  driven  these populations. The research was carried out at upper part of Serayu River during wet season (January – March) and dry season (June - August) 2007. Fishes were collected by using electro fishing and stratified random sampling was applied by dividing this river into five strata based on altitude. The results showed that the total abundances of Osteochilus spp. was 149 individuals and composed by O. hasselti (47) with 8.30 – 24.35 cm and 11.20 – 198.70 g, O. microchephalus (101) with 11.35 – 25.21 cm and 17.9 – 206.5 g and O.kahajanensis (1) with 17.30 cm and 68.80 g. The size of population O. hasselti and O. microchephalus gradually increased from 7 and 4 individuals in stratum A became 27 and 12 individuals in stratum D, and then increased up to 43 and 17 individuals in stratum E. The sex ratio of O. hasselti was 10:16 and O. microchephalus was 20:23. Both species were longitudinally distributed in Serayu River. It seems that the population of O. hasellti and O. microchephalus were more influenced by physical factors such as depth and current rather than chemical factors i.e. DO and pH at Serayu River.
Key words: fishing, Osteochilus, population, serayu, sustainable
Author: Windiarini Lestari, Yogi Putranto, Nuning Setyaningrum1 and Sugiharto
Journal Code: jpperikanangg090013

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Jp Perikanan gg 2009