Recruitment Pattern of Tropical Limpet Cellana testudinaria (Class: Gastropoda, Family: Patellidae) Living on the Rocky Shore of Ohoiwait, Southeast Moluccas, Indonesia
Abstract: The recruitment
pattern of the tropical limpet C. testudinaria are estimated and described
spatially for the three shore levels of the intertidal, using two different
methods: direct counting of juveniles of the size less than 4 mm in length and
the settlement of the first < 8.5 mm mid-class juveniles. A total of 2402
limpets were obtained in 12 monthly collections (from October 2001 to September
2002). Both methods yielded similar results, which indicated that recruitment
was highest during the transition season (March and April).
Author: Abraham Seumel Khouw
Journal Code: jpperikanangg050004