Resolusi Konflik Pengelolaan Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih di Kabupaten Teluk Wondama
Abstract: Conflicts of
interest have occurred in the management of the area and natural resources of
Teluk Cenderawasihn National Park (TNTC) in Teluk Wondama Regency, West Papua
Province. The implications of the park zoning system resulted in pro-and-contra
situations that might create conflicts. With this context, the research aimed
to formulate-resolution concepts that were considered suitable to resolve the
conflicts for managing the park. The research showed that most stakeholders can
be mapped out as key players and subject of conflict, just one as crowd and
ones as context setter. The research also revelaed that the zoning system has
accomodated the needs and aspirations of all stakeholder. Based on the finding
it can be said that the existing conflict models were categorized as no
conflict among most stakeholders, latent conflict (between BBTNTC with WWF,
BBTNTC with Dinpar, DKP with Waprak, and DKP with Yende), and emerging conflict
(between DKP with BBTNTC). The
research concluded that
the conflict of the park
management can be
resolved through collaborative management approach
that can be
developed with shared
control by other
stakeholders. Collaborative management
should be implemented as “step by step process”: (1) strengthening the capacity
of BBTNTC, (2) consolidation of BBTNTC with NGO (WWF) and local government (DKP
and Dinpar), and (3) establishment collaboration with local community and the
other stakeholders.
Penulis: Edward Sembiring,
Sambas Basuni, dan Rinekso Soekmadi
Kode Jurnal: jpkehutanandd100054