SST Cooling in the Indonesian Seas

Abstract: Using advance satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface wind, the characteristics of SST and wind variations in the internal Indonesian Seas (hereafter INA) were investigated. The seasonal cycle of SST in the INA is marked by a cooling in the dry season. The cooling, which occurs during May–August, is maximum in the eastern INA and decreases towards west. This study indicated that the southeasterly monsoon winds play a significant role in the cooling phenomena in Indonesian Seas. The cooling is first identified in May, while August is its mature phase and it is affected by stronger winds (7-8 m/s) during July. An area with SST lower than 26°C appears in the Banda Sea, representing the coolest region in the INA. The results of the present investigation inferred that SST cooling in the INA is caused by southeast monsoon winds-ocean interaction.
Key words: satellite remote sensing, SST cooling, southeast monsoon winds
Author: Riza Yuliratno Setiawan and Abdullah Habibi
Journal Code: jpperikanangg100004

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Jp Perikanan gg 2010