Struktur Benih dan Dormansi pada Benih Panggal Buaya (Zanthoxylum rhetsa(Roxb.) D.C.

Abstract: Panggal  buaya  (Zanthoxilum  rhetsa  (Roxb.)  D.C.)  is  generally  used  as  raw  material of  wooden  craft industry, because it has smooth texture with interesting color and it is also easy to process using both hand and machine. In order to anticipate the raw material insufficiency, panggal Buaya planting is very important. However, the resistance faced in the panggal Buaya stand development was the difficulty of it’s germination. The information on its cultivation and seed management are still very limited. The other problems onits development  was  plant  propagation  which  was  caused  by  the  existence  of  seed  coat  dormancy.  This research was aimed  to  know the  cause  of  seed  coat  dormancy  on panggal buaya seed  through lignin contents  at  seed  coat  and  seed  coat  structure  microscopically,  and  then,  to  know  effective  dormancy faulting treatment and finally, to learn the effect of this treatment to the microscopic structure of panggal buaya seed coat. The research shows that submerging the panggal buaya seed in sulfate acid 95% as long as 30 minutes that follow the submerging it in water which has room temperature for along 1 x 24 hours could stop the dormancy of the seed (grow potential 40,7%, germination capacity 39,7% and growing rapidity 0,698% KN etmal-1). Presumably, the faulting mechanism of dormancy is caused by the damage of cell wall of coat seed through lignin dissolving process by sulfate acid (delignification).
Keywords: panggal buaya, seed dormancy, germination, delignification
Penulis: Diyah  Purwaning
Kode Jurnal: jpkehutanandd090080

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