Wind driven Coastal Upwelling Along South of Sulawesi Island

Abstract: The sea in the vicinity of south of Sulawesi Island (SSI) is influenced by monsoon winds. The present observation shows  that  coastal  upwelling  in  the  region  is  a  dominant  process  leading  to  high  chlorophyll-a  (Chl-a) concentration  during southeast  (SE)  monsoon  season.  Southeasterly  monsoon  winds  are  responsible  for  the upwelling formation.The objective of the reseach was to describe the wind-driven upwelling occurrence.  The bloom increases gradually, starting in May and climbing up to peak value (1.1 mg/m3) in August, then weakens in September. By utilizing a combination of satellite data of sea surface wind vector, sea surface temperature (SST), and surface Chl-a, the physical mechanism of the coastal upwelling in the SSI is investigated.
Key words:  coastal upwelling, satellite remote sensing, wind speed, SST, Chl-a, south of Sulawesi island
Author: Abdullah Habibi, Riza Yuliratno Setiawan, dan Akhmad Yusuf Zuhdy
Journal Code: jpperikanangg100002

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Jp Perikanan gg 2010