ABSTRACT: Music therapy
is health therapy
which uses music
as medication in
order to increase
or repair physical, emotional,
cognitive and social
conditions on individuals
from various ages.
This research wants to know the
effectiveness of music therapy to reduce
client’s anxiety by seeing the
change of physiological anxiety response from blood pressure, respiration and
hearth rate. The research benefit is
that music intervention
can be used
for therapeutic purposes
to promote patient/client health
and well-being. Furthermore, it
can give accurate
information for nurse
profession and other
health profession to implement
music therapy as
a non-pharmacologic therapy
to decrease the
level of patient’s anxiety during
care time in
intensive care unit.
Method of the
research was used
quasi experiment by using
one group pre-test
and post-test design
without control group.
Based on the result of the research, 90 % respondent
experiences reduction change of systolic blood pressure, 95 % respondent
experiences reduction change
of diastolic blood
pressure, 60 %
respondent experiences reduction change of respiration, and 100%
respondent experiences reduction change of pulse. The significant value of test
result of paired sample t-Test showed that 0,000 – 0,002 which is that smaller
than mistake level () 0,005 or it significant to value 95 %, and so that
hypothesis of Ho was refused; whereas hypothesis of Ha was accepted. Conclusion
of this research was music therapy is effective to reduce the change of
physiological response toward client’s anxiety in ICU – ICCU. The researcher
suggests that applying the music therapy in the critical care is useful for
Author: Suhartini
Journal Code: jpkeperawatangg080001