The growth of foot arches and influencing factors
ABSTRACT: Foot arches are
important components for body support. Foot arch deformity caused by growth
abnormalities cause serious limitations in daily activities. Objectives To
determine the patterns of foot arch growth, factors influencing foot arch
growth, and the timing for intervention in errant growth patterns.
Methods A cross-sectional study evaluated the foot arches of children
aged 0-18 years according to age and sex. Subjects included had no evidence of
physical abnormality other than flat foot, knockknee, or bow leg. Subjects were
grouped per year of age. Data on foot arch class, age, sex, weight, height,
medial intercondylar distance, and medial intermalleolar distance were
recorded. Chisquare test, correlation, binary and linear regressions, general
linear model, and contrast matrix were performed.
Results In 8376 children aged 0-18 years, flat foot grade 3 had stable
proportions in all age groups. Flat foot grade 2 and 1 had smaller proportions
in older age groups than in younger ones. The proportions of normal foot was
greater in older age groups. Boys at the age of 7 and girls at 9 have a small
percentage of pes cavus. The mean foot arch measurements were consistent with
flat foot grade 2 at age 0-3 years, flat foot grade 1 at 4 years, and normal
foot at age 18. Median foot arch measurement of children 0-10 years old was
consistent with flat foot grade 1, while that of children 11 years old was
consistent with normal foot. Age and height gave positive influence. Based on
these measurements we infer that the optimal time for intervention is 0-7 years
for boys and 0-3 years for girls.
Conclusion The proportion of flat foot grade 3 is stable throughout age
groups, that of flat foot grade 2 and 1 are smaller in older age groups, and
that of normal foot is greater in older age groups. Overgrowth happens in very
small percentages after age of 7 in boys and 9 in girls. Age, sex, height,
weight, and growth of the knees are influencing factors.
Author: Ferial Hadipoetro
Idris, MD, PhD
Journal Code: jpkedokterangg050072