ABSTRACT: Island Sumatera is one of the biggest island among thousand of island those are found in Indonesia, this island has an position strategic enough to be expanded. Specially North Sumatera that is Medan town. To look at the supporting condition, to process  the  natural  wealth  is  necessary  to  be  implicated  soon  to  increase  the prosperity of the citizenry and to raise territory so that it becomes a forward moving territory.  To  process  these  resources  a  very  big  capital  is  needed,  as  very  reliable peaple  or  financial  capital  and  skilled  businessmen.  Looking  at  the  natural  wealth that  it  possesses    North  Sumatera  has  a  very  great  chance  for  investment  that  is domestic  investment  and  foreign  investment  because  there  are  so  many  incomplete materials from various sectors. That’s why the province government specially Medan town always create an atmosphere that can stimulate investment, as local investment also foreign invetment.
Problem  statement  of  this  research  is  :  1.  What  is  the  influence  of  the domestic investment to the development of industry in Medan town?, and 2. What is the  influence  of  the  foreign  investment  to  the  development  of  industry  in  Medan town? The purpose of this research is to know what is the influence of the domestic investment  and  foreign  investment  to  the  development  of  industry  in  Medan.  The source  of  data  in  this  research  comes  from  secondary  data  in  the  form  of  yearly report  that  comes  from  official  government  or  Medan  Central  Bereau  Statistic, Planning  and  Development  Province  office,  Investment  and  Promotion  office. Technique  analysis  data  use  the  econometrics  model  using  ordinary  least  square (OLS).
Based  on  the  result  of  research,  domestic  investment  has  a  positive influence  to  the  development  industry  of  Medan with  coefficient  which  means  every increment  1%  domestic  investment,  will  cause  the  raise  development  industry  in Medan as big as 0,001%. Also with the foreign investment has a positive influence to development of industry in Medan as big as 0,001%. Determination coefficient shows that as a whole domestic investment and foreign investment explain the influence of their relation with the development industry in Medan as big as 73,1% and the rest so much as 26,9% is explained by other statistical variable that are not include in the estimation model.
Keywords: domestic investment, foreign investment, development of industry
Penulis: Lailan Safina Hasibuan, Sri Endang Rahayu
Kode Jurnal: jpakuntansidd1000179

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