Abstract: Some  cases  of  financial  fraud  invite  inquiries  about  the  effectiveness  of  corporate governance  mechanism  in  financial  distress  companies. This  study  empirically examines  whether  the financial  distress moderate  the impact of corporate  governancemechanism to earnings  management.  The  sample  of  this study is manufacturing companies  listed  at  Indonesia  Stock  Exchange  for  period  2010  -2012. Discretionary accruals are used as a proxy for earnings management, while financially distressed and non-distressed firms are identified based on Altman Z-score test. Corporate governancemechanism is  measured  by four  characteristics  of  the  audit  committee, i.e. size  (total number  of  audit  committee  members),  independence  (audit  committee  composition), activity(frequency  of  audit  committee  meeting),  and  expertise (the  number  of  audit committee  have  finance  or accounting  background).This  study  finds that  (1) financial distress does not moderate the impact of total members of audit committee to earnings management; (2) financial distress does not moderate the impact of frequency of audit committee  meeting to earnings  management;  (3)  financial  distress  does  not  moderate the  impact  of  audit  committee  composition to earnings  management;  (4)financial distress  moderates the  impact  of  audit  committee finance/accounting  knowledge toearnings management. These results suggestthat the effectiveness corporate governance is low, and finance/accounting literacy of audit committee should be alert.
Keywords: corporate  governance,  audit  commitee,  earnings  management,  financial distress
Author: Michella Maria Virgine Prayogo,Yie Ke Feliana, Aurelia Carina Christanti Sutanto
Journal Code: jpmanajemengg130090

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Jp Manajemen gg 2013