Kajian Model Empiris Perilaku Berwirausaha UKM DIY dan Jawa Tengah

ABSTRACT: This research aims to test the entreprenurial behavior model. Subject in this research is micro enterprise entrepreneur in DIY and East Java. Sample selection is performed based on purposive sampling, there are 344 responder which have been fulfilling the conditions needed. Data collecting conducted by disseminating questionare. The analyzed use the Structural Equation  Model (SEM). Result of research shows that the model is fit. Entrepreneurial attitude, subjective norms and self efficacy have influence to entrepreneurial behavior through intention. Self efficacy by parsial don’t have significant effect to entrepreneurial behavior and antrepreneurial intention. 
Keywords: entrepreneurial attitude, subjective norms, self efficacy, entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial behavior
Penulis: Tony Wijaya
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd080105

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Jp Manajemen dd 2008