ABSTRACT: The purposes of this research are: 1) to describe the job characteristics, the compensation, and the organizational commitment, 2) to analyze the influence of  job  characteristics  towards  organizational  commitment,  3)  to  analyze  the influence of compensation towards organizational commitment, 4) to analyze the influence  of  job  characteristics  and  compensation  simultaneously  toward organizational  commitment.  Population  of  the  research  is  the  employees  of  PT “X”, Jakarta. Samples of the research are  74 permanent employees. Type of the research  is  descriptive  research  and  the  method  is  explanatory  survey. Descriptive  analysis  results  showed:  a)  49%  total    of  permanent  staff  of  PT "X" was  not  the  realization  the  suitable  of  the  job  characteristics,  b)  51%  total  of permanent staff of PT "X" was obtained compensation  given by the organization was  not  good  enough,  c)  61%    permanent  employees  of  PT "X"  has  a  relatively poor  organizational  commitment.  The  results  of  hypothesis  testing:  1)  there  is  a significant influence of job characteristics towards organizational commitment, 2) there  is  a  significant  influence  of  compensation  towards  organizational commitment,  3)  job  characteristics  and  compensation  simultaneously  having  an influence on the organizational commitment. Determination coefficient score (R2) for X1 and X2 is 0.127, it means organizational commitment can be influenced by job  characteristics  and  compensation  around  12,7%,  then  other  factors  around 87,3%.
Keywords: job characteristics, compensation, organizational commitment
Penulis: Agung Wahyu Handaru, Shalahudin Abdillah, Agung AWS Waspodo
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd130891

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