Pengaruh Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia, Komunikasi, Sarana Pendukung Dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja SKPD (Studi Empiris Pada Pemerintah Kota Sibolga)

Abstract: This study aims to have this empirical evidence. 1) Effect of Human Resources of Quality, Communications, Facilities Support and Organizational Commitment Against SKPD performance. 2) Communication Influence on Performance SKPD. 3) Effect of Supporting Facilities to Performance SKPD. 4) Effect of Organizational Commitment to Performance SKPD in Sibolga City. This study considered the causative research. Techniques of data analysis using multiple regression analysis with Human Resources Quality, communications, Supporting Facilities and Organizational Commitment as endogenous variables, and Performance SKPD as exogenous.
The results of this study concluded that (1) There is no significant influence of the Human Resources of Quality to Performance SKPD (2) significant positive effect of the use of Communication to Performance SKPD (3) There was no significant effect of Supporting Facilities to Performance SKPD, and (4) significant positive effect of Organizational Commitment to Performance SKPD. Based on these results, it is expected SKPD order to improve their performance in areas with regard financial management and improve Human Resources of Quality, Communications, Facilities Support and Organizational Commitment better future.
Keywords: Human Resources of Quality, Communications, Supporting Facilities, Organizatinal Commitment, Performance SKPD
Penulis: Arisonaldi Sibagariang
Kode Jurnal: jpakuntansidd130716

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