Pengaruh Tingkat Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Badan Terhadap Peningkatan Penerimaan Pajak Yang Dimoderasi Oleh Pemeriksaan Pajak Pada KPP Pratama Padang

Abstract: The purpouse of this study is to determine the effect of tax compliance of corporate taxpayer into tax revenue that was moderated by tax audit. This type of research are classified as causative study. The population of this research is corporate taxpayers which registered in KPP Pratama Padang for the year 2009-2011. Sample was determined by Simple Random Sampling method, with 98 corporate  taxpayers. The technic of collected data by documentation survey. Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) was used for analysis the data.
This research proved that there’s signifikan positif influence between the corporate tax payer compliance level and increasing of tax revenues. This study failed to proved signifikan influence of tax audit into relationship of tax complince and increase tax revenues.
Keywords: increase tax revenues, the corporate tax payer compliance level and tax audit
Penulis: Rahma Yeni
Kode Jurnal: jpakuntansidd130711

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