The Influence of Financial Performance and Institutional Ownership on Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility: Empirical Study of The Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012

Abstract: This research aims to determine whether the financial performance as measured by Debt to Equity  Ratio,  Current  Ration  and  Return  on  Assets  and  institutional  ownership  have  a significant effect on the disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility. This research used corporate social disclosure index (CSDI) as an indicator of Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure by using the  Global Reporting Initaatives (GRI).  Research  method  used  is  descriptive  and  verification  method.  Population  in  this  research was  categorized  as  high-profile  companies  that  were  listed  on  the  Indonesia  Stock Exchange  in  2012  totaling  189  companies.  The  sampling  technique  used  was  random sampling  technique  with  iteration.  The  result  was  a  company  that  became  the  research sample  as  many  as  46  companies.  The  data  used  in  this  study  was  a  secondary  data obtained  through  the  study  of  the  documentation  to  get  a  company's  annual  report  data form  samples,  idx  statistics  and  Indonesian  Capital  Market  Directory  (ICMD)  in  2012. Data  analysis  used  multiple  regressions.  Classical  assumption  test  used  before  regression of  that  includes  normality  test,  heteroscedasticity,  multicollinearity  and autocorrelation. It also  examined  the  hypothesis  with  the  t-test  and  F-test  to  examine  the  influence  of independent variables to the dependent variable. The  result  of  data  anlaysis  indicated  that  Debt  to  Equity  Ratio  and  Current  Assets  were partially no significant effect on the disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility. Return on  Assets  and  Institutional  Ownership  partially  significant  effect  on  the  disclosure  of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). And Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Assets, Return On  Assset  and  Institutional  Ownership  simultaneously  significant  effected  on  the disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Keywords:  Financial performance,  Institutional Ownership, Disclosure of CSR
Author: Dwi Puryati
Journal Code: jpmanajemengg130086

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Jp Manajemen gg 2013