CELLULAR PHONE AND THE USAGE (Problems of Cellular Phone’s Usage In Blank Spot Areas of Indonesia)

ABSTRACT: Mobile phone as a form of communication technology is acceptable by many peoples. But geographical condition makes them difficult to access. In fact, many potential mobile-phones consumers are in rural areas. They have no enough telecommunications infrastructure. This phenomenon is interesting to study specially about how the usage and function of cell phone get reduced for bad infrastructure. This article will  explore,  identify,  and  map  the  problems  related  to  mobile-phone  usage  in  the  blankspot  in Indonesia. This one also wants to know future research trend. By literature review, this study shows that all  three  aspects  of  mobile  phone  usage  (technical,  organizational,  and  cultural  issues)  cannot  be separated,  but  interrelated  between  one-and-among  another.  Technical  issues  on  the  mobile  phone’s usage are related to organizational (government and private) and cultural ones. Because of the diversity of  cultures  in  Indonesia,  this  study  recommends  to  use  a  constructivism  paradigm  to  study  mobile phone penetration. The analysis  then  will be  conducted to  know  how the  individual/group reconstruct and  co-construct  communications  technology on the basis of their own socio-culture context. Because of cultural difference in each area, researchers can set aside generalization principle and focuses more  on every individual or group’s construction to communication technology.
 Keywords: problems of infrastructure; problems of culture; cellular phone usage; Blank spot areas
Author: KARMAN
Journal Code: jpkomunikasigg150006

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