Abstract: Sociology of
Indonesia in its development to date is a study that is often unaware of the
attention in academic circles. Although in the early phase of
institutionalization has emerged
original ideas that
seeks to explore aspects
of sociology rooted
in cultural, historical,
and social problems and
political economy of
Indonesian society, but
the idea is then
that such stagnation
triggered by the
political power of
the New Order regime
. In addition,
the U.S. dominance
in the context
of postWorld War
II when it's against the developing countries or countries of the
former colonial influence is so strong to the realm of science in which scientific products
become more mainstream
in social science
such as theory-paradigm of
modernization theory and
Parsonian functionalism and even
still continues to this day, so reap the methodological debate.
Meanwhile, globalization as
a contemporary phenomenon
that can not be avoided it has become a space for the emergence of
various alternative approaches to address the scientific challenges of the
times in which the boundaries between regions ranging from the regional to the global scope
are blurred, as
well as theoretical,
paradigmatic and conceptual that
has shaken confidence
in the classical
sociology itself, such as the
concept of society. So is the epistemology of postmodernism and post-structuralism through
their thinkers, who
were born as the
antithesis of the
unhappiness of the
modernization project, the
more enriching the treasure
of the sociology
of science by
offering new approaches to
deconstructive, sided with
the Others and
brought the idea of liberation.
Therefore, the sociology
of Indonesia is
a science projects
that continue to face the challenges of the times, since the post-World
War II marked the superiority of the U.S. social sciences until it became
stronger when globalization threatens
human survival and
therefore requires a new science device that remains refers to
the special characteristics that exist in Indonesian society.
Penulis: Hamzah Fansuri
Kode Jurnal: jpsosiologidd120248