Spiritualising New Media: The Use of Social Media for Da'wah Purposes within Indonesian Muslim Scholars

Abstract: The presence of the so-called second generation of the Internet, popularly known as  web 2.0, has enabled the emergence of social media for interactive and real-time communication among societies. This study focuses on the adoption of online social media for  da’wah  purposes. It finds that although Muslim societies have yet to get benefits from the online social media technology, some Muslim scholars have adopted the social media to deliver da’wah activities effectively. It recommends, therefore, that the social media should be adopted by Muslims to improve the scalability of their  da’wah  towards  societies. Moreover,  da’wah  strategies and paradigms needs also to be redesigned in response to new advances of technology.
Keywords: online social media, adoption, uses, da’wah
Author: Nurdin-Rusli
Journal Code: jpkomunikasigg130004

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