The Portrayal of Indonesian Political Actor’s and Media’s Perspective on the Issue of Climate Change in the 2007 United Nations Climate Change Conference
Abstract: The decisions made
at the 2007 United Nations Climate
Change Conference, in Nusa Dua Bali,
have the potential to influence environmental policies in countries around the
world, particularly policies to reduce global carbon emissions. This paper
analysed how the Indonesian media portrayed climate change issues during the
Conference and the whether the Indonesian media and political actors have the
same perspective on climate change issues. After examiningapproximately 160
news articles and press releases from political actors it was clear that the media
and political actors, particularly environmental NGOs, paid careful attention
to climate change. However, we found that the Indonesian government did not
seriously manage this issue in the media, despite having the responsibility and
authority to make environmentally friendly policies.
Author: Yoseph Bambang
Journal Code: jpkomunikasigg120002