Abstract: The current
global situation is
characterized by a
variety of leadership
requires a paradigm change
in accordance with
change itself. Leaders
who have superior characteristics and exhibit adaptive
behaviors to change, leaders are able to capture the phenomenon in
the leadership and
understand who the
followers, so the
process of directing, guiding,
motivating and preparing future leaders can be achieved with good. This paper
intends to provide an overview of the changes in the present paradigm, trying to
see the similarities between transformational leadership as the present
leadership with recognized leadership
rooted in Indonesian
society and initiated
by Ki Hajar Dewantara. In addition it also
presented about followership , which actually integrates with the leadership
itself, thus the possibility of achieving success in the lead is not a difficult
Penulis: Nida Hasanati
Kode Jurnal: jppiodd120054