Building Complaint Handling Mechanisms For Effective Leadership

Abstract: This paper discusses complaint handling mechanisms local leaders use for effective leadership. In a democratic government, public policy formulation is supposed to represent the interests of the citizens through a democratic political process. However, the involvement of the citizens is also needed during the  public service delivery. A number of local leaders have built various complaint handling mechanisms tailored to channeling the voices of their citizenry. For example, the Mayor of Yogyakarta City established Walikota Menyapa (Mayor’s Greeting) as medium  of outreach and communication  with people under his jurisdiction.  The  question is: Do such mechanisms contribute to effective leadership? In this regard, how do citizens use the mechanisms in expressing their aspirations and concerns and how does the Mayor respond to the complaints he receives from his citizens?. The research used documentary analysis method.  Walikota Menyapa (WM) program reports were  analyzed by quantifying the data. Qualitative analysis was also used to decipher the content of the complaints citizens made. The data shows that  public complaints to the  local government varied. However, the complaints handling mechanisms became an efficient instrument which the mayor used in monitoring the performance of his sub-ordinates.
Keywords: complaint handling mechanism, effective leadership, policy and public service
Author: Agus Pramusinto
Journal Code: jpadministrasinegaragg130052

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