Abstract: The aim of this
study is to find out the relationship between family effect on the intention of
depression on HIV/AIDS victim. The hypothesis of this research is there is a
negative relationship between family support and of depression on HIV/AIDS
victim. The subject of this research is 50 ODHA in Yogyakarta, 2 men and 48
woman. The scale for this research conducted by the reseacher based on the
House aspect of family support (Smet, 1994), and adaptation of Beck scale is
used to measure the depression aspect (1987), which is BDI II (Beck Depression
Inventory II). Data analysist method on this research is using Spearman's non
parametic corelation. The analysist shows r = -0.434 and p= 0.001 (p<0.05).
The data shows the higher the family support, the lower of depression on the
HIV/AIDS victim. And in reverse, the lower the family support, the higher of
depression on the HIV/AIDS victim. Based on this research, we can see that
family support contribute 18.9% in reducing the intention of depression on
HIV/AIDS victim.
Penulis: Panji Andhika
Pratama, Rr. Indahria Sulistyarini
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologikepribadiandd120054