INFLUENCE OF PETROLEUM PRICE, GOLD PRICE, INFLATION AND EXPPORT GROWTH ON EXCHANGE RATE (Study at Indonesia Stock Exchange Corner Economic Faculty Brawijaya University and Bank Indonesia Period 2005-2014)

ABSTRACT: This research is aimed to examine the effect of economic commodities’ price such as petroleum prices and gold price, also macroeconomic indicator such as inflation rate and export growth toward Rupiah exchange rate against US Dollar. Using quantitative approach, the data applied is time series quarterly data during 2005 – 2014 selected through saturated sampling method. This method resulted 40 samples which then applied into multi linear regression. The F test result indicates that petroleum price, gold price, inflation rate and export growth has significant effect on Rupiah exchange rate against US Dollar simultaneously. Partial test result (t test), indicating that variable of petroleum price, gold price, inflation rate and export growth has significant effect on Rupiah exchange rate against US Dollar. 
Keywords: Petroleum prices, gold price, inflation rate, export growth, Rupiah exchange rate against US Dollar
Author: Nada Faradila
Journal Code: jpadministrasinegaragg160003

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