Job Satisfaction amongst Academic Staff: A literature Review
Abstract: Job satisfaction
assumed as a one of the main factor amongst academic staff and placed as a
basic inner feeling for them. Moreover, the purpose of present literature
review was to brilliant the role of job satisfaction at university; also,
illustrated this inner organizational feeling as a principle positive motivator
amongst academic staff. Lack of consideration to the presence of job
satisfaction creates numerous difficulties at university, low level of job satisfaction
likewise emerges some insufficient behaviors and reactions among academic staff.
In other word, the existence of job satisfaction as basic human needs can
develop and support performance of academic staff and conduct their
organizational behavior in the accurate way. In general, the current literature
review focused on the key role of job satisfaction at university and mentioned
its effectiveness on performance, behavior, and reactions of academic staff at
educational system.
Author: Aida Mehrad
Journal Code: jppiogg150005