Abstract: The  disappointment  felt  by  Australia  and  New  Zealand  to  the  United  of Kingdom  to  make  the  two  countries  that  really  have  to  have  a  good  relationship has  chosen  to  be  in  the  American  defense  umbrella  to  form  alliances  and  to approach  a  covenant  Trilateral  security  cooperation  called  ANZUS  in 1951. However,  because  the  New  Zealand  Prime  Minister  David  Lange  that  is derived  from  the  labor  party  has  anti-nuclear  policy  should  he  realized  in  his country.  This  causes  a  slight  disturbance  in  the  alliance,  where  there  is disagreement  between  the  United  State  and  New  Zealand  warship  linked  to  by Americans  who  want  to  put  into  the  area  of  New  Zealand.  This  problem  led  to New  Zealand  should  remain  at  its  founding  to  keep  running  the  anti-nuclear policy and decided to get out of the ANZUS alliance.  
Key Word: New Zealand, United State, Warship, ANZUS
Penulis: Made Selly Dwi Suryanti
Kode Jurnal: jphubintdd120045

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