North Korea and Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Lesson Learned and opportunities from North Korea Involvement in NAM

Abstract: Many experts still believe that engagement would be the answer towards the recent situation in  Korean  peninsula.  Up  to  now,  few  contacts  which  have  taken  place  can  hardly  be  called  as negotiations. Looking at the situation, a new player could be added into the negotiation process to solve North Korea's nuclear crisis. The new player should be free of interest, reliable, and has a strong connection with North Korea. It is already over 40 years since North Korea was accepted as full-fledged  member  and  North  Korea  has  gained  immeasurably  by  joining  Non-Aligned  Movement (NAM). Thus NAM is probably one of the most promising exit strategies for North Korea nuclear crisis, the engagement that could provide coalition for punishment tomorrow. The movement could be an opportunity for North Korean nuclear problem, since it has long history with North Korea, freer from superpower interest, and provide a lot of benefits to North Korean regime.
Keywords:  North  Korea,  DPRK,  Non-Aligned  Movement,  Hawk  Engagement,  Engagement, Containment, Nuclear Weapons
Author: Albert Triwibowo
Journal Code: jphubintgg150003

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