Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPA Melalui Model Pembelajaran Think-Talk-Write Bervariasi pada Siswa Kelas VIII.H SMP Negeri 2 Banyudono Semester 1 Tahun Pembelajaran 2013/2014
ABSTRACT: Application of
learning models talk
think write varied
in an effort
to improve student
achievement and to
increase the interest,
motivation, liveliness, creativity, and cooperation of the students in the
class IPA maple VIII.H half SMP Negeri 2 Banyudono of the school year
2013/2014. Hypothesis test results obtained from VIII.H grade students of SMP
Negeri 2 Banyudono maple IPA 2012/2013 school year on Standards of Competence
Understanding the Different Systems In Human Life that: 1) the results of
student achievement has increased from the initial conditions to final
conditions of the first cycle and continued to the second cycle there is
increased as follows: for the highest value of 80 increased to 90 in the first
cycle, and increased again to 95 in the second cycle, to the lowest value of 50
rose to 75 in the first cycle, and rose again to 76 in the second cycle, for
the average value of 66.25 on Prasiklus rose to 78.61 in the first cycle, and
rose again to 85.08 in the second cycle, students complete of 15 (41.67%) rose
to 36 students (100%) cycles I, and the second cycle, for students not yet complete
of 21 students
dropped to 0
students in the
first cycle and
the second cycle.
2) The process
of learning: increased from the
initial conditions to final conditions of the first cycle and proceed to the
second cycle: Interest 1.95 (or less) to 3.23 (good) and increased again to
3.47 (good). Motivation 2.03 (enough) to 3.13 (good) and increased again to 3.46
(good). Liveliness 1,99 (less) to 3.18
(good) and increased again to 33.45 (good). Creativity 1.83 (or less) to 3.13 (good) and increased
again to 3.35 (good) Cooperation 2.04 (enough) to 3.22 (good) and increased
again to 3.53 (good).
Keywords: IPA, Model
think-talk-write, Interest, Motivation,
Liveliness and Creativity,
Cooperation, Results Achievement
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd160016