Abstract: We  have  performed  measurements  of  resistivity  as  a  function  of  temperature  with  a  certain  large external magnetic field and resistivity as a function of the external magnetic field in room temperature conditions for L0.1C0.9MnO3 compound. Measurement of resistivity as a function of temperature using quantum squid design is done at a temperature of 8-80 K with an external magnetic field variation of 0, 3, 6, and 8.5 Tesla. The resistivity measurements as a function of the external magnetic field from 0 to 0.7600 Tesla performed at room temperature using a four-point probe. At the same temperature, the greater the external magnetic field, the greater its magnetoresistance. For the same external magnetic field, increasing the temperature will decrease magnetoreistance.
Keywords: external magnetic field, squid quantum, magnetoresistance
Author: Y. E. Gunanto, B. Kurniawan, S. Poertadji, E. Steven
Journal Code: jpfisikagg150001

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